Our Credentials

We’re Insured

Whilst pets are in our care we’ve a responsibility to the public and our charges, so we’re fully insured through Cliverton, one of the the UK’s leading pet care insurers with specialist experience in providing animal related industries with insurance cover.


We’re DBS Checked

We want you to have every confidence in us, so that’s why we’re fully DBS checked. A Disclosure & Barring Service check means that we’ve been checked for convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings which are held on the England & Wales National Police Computer. We take your security very seriously and the DBS check ensures you have that added peace of mind.


We’re Canine CPR Qualified

We all hold the canine first responder qualification. Canine First Responders are trained to the level of being able to perform emergency canine cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and are skilled at helping sick or injured dogs. Like a paramedic, we’re trained to attend the scene of an accident or injury and can treat and stabilize an injured animal until they can be evacuated to more advanced medical care.


We’re Canine First Aid Qualified

We’re fully trained in canine first aid and we each hold a canine first aid certificate. This means that we’re well prepared with the knowledge and skills needed to respond safely and efficiently if a dog becomes sick or injured. We all carry individual canine first aid kits, so with us, your dog could not be in safer hands.


We’re Nominated For A 2018 Dog Friendly Award

We’re nominated for a Hertfordshire Dog Friendly Award 2018! Since 2003 Dog Friendly have been identifying and commending the best businesses for everything you’d ever need for your dog and dog friendly places to take your dog all over the country.