Day Visits

We love our pets but they do need time, care and attention and in our busy modern society and working lives we can’t always make the time to care for them in the way we would like. That’s why we offer a number of different types of day visits to help ease your lives.

Toilet Break Visits

We’ve all been there. Had to go to work or out for the day and when we return we find a little ‘present’ or ‘accident’ waiting for us.  Maybe something in the house has been chewed on or perhaps it looks like a Tornado has been through your house. We are here to help.

We can pop in for a 10 minute check-up on your pet to make sure they are ok, give them a quick toilet break and a bit of fuss so they get a bit of companionship to occupy them in the day. We can come once a day or more often if you like, just let us know your exact requirements.


Puppy / Kitten Visits

Just got a new puppy or kitten and finding it difficult to fit in all the time to care for them with your busy schedule? Let us help you out and fill in the gaps you can’t make due to other commitments.

Puppies and Kittens require a great deal of love and attention, as well as extra mealtimes. This does not always fit in well with our normal working days. To help out we can offer you day visits to pop in and check up on the little guys and make sure they are ok and not getting up to too much mischief.

During these visits we can provide companionship and care visits, which can include indoor and outdoor playtime (pet dependent). We can then build this up as required, so for example as your puppy gets older, we can include a small walk from your house.  During these visits, we would also clean up any little “accidents”, leaving your home clean and fresh for you to enjoy with your puppy or kitten on your return.

Small Animal Visits

They may be small but sometimes they need the most attention and a watchful set of eyes to ensure they are healthy and happy.  They need feeding and you are unable to be home to do this, or perhaps you are away for a few days or working long hours.

Whatever the reason we can come in and feed your pet and give him or her lots of fuss and attention.  We will also clean and refresh hutches/cages and change their water. Whatever is needed to make them feel settled at home in your absence I’m sure we can cater for it.


Cat Visits

They may behave like they rule the roost and are independent but we know that cats need as much love, care and attention as any other pet. We offer a service designed to cater for their needs and ensure you can be away from them and they will be taken good care of. Whether your cat needs feeding and you are unable to be home to do this, due to work or perhaps you are away for a few days or more, we can come in and feed your cat and give him or her some TLC.  We will also clean and refresh litter trays and change water. Anything to make sure they are cared for as you would care for them.



Pet Caring Services

Dog Walking

At Shepherd And Bengal Pet Services we offer a dog walking service for those times when you are unable to take your dog out. This may be due to work c…

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Day Visits

We love our pets but they do need time, care and attention and in our busy modern society and working lives we can’t always make the time to care fo…

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Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is an ideal option for people, or should we say pets that would be more comfortable and prefer to stay in the comfort of their own home wh…

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Want more information? Want to book your pet in with us?
Call: 07736 578 343 or Email